Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahThe Judge Roy Moore case isn't the first case of a Christian Extremist being caught, figuratively and/or literally with his pants down and his hypocrisy showing. I'm reminded of former #1 TV preacher Jimmy Swaggart of The Assemblies Of God who was defrocked after his first scandal with a prostitute. That was in the 1980s. Later, in the next decade, good ol' Louisiana boy Jimmy was heading up his own Jimmy Swaggart Ministries when, one day in Indio, California, the cops pulled him over for driving on the wrong side of the road. Riding along in the passenger seat of his shiny, top-down convertible, was a brand new prostitute. In the back seat was a large stack of well-perused porno mags. Oh well, at least his companion was of legal age. No one could vouch for the girls and boys in the magazines.Soooo disappointing. Fast forward to the present day and we have the Republican Party's Great Nut Hope, Judge Roy Moore. Look at it this way: Despite the lunacy and evil of Judge Roy Moore, he has pulled back the curtain on the perversion of Christianity once again, ideally once and for all time. So, for your Sunday morning reading, I give you a few of the nation of the Nation of Al Abama's Pastors of Perversion! Please see below!The Republican Party's Pastors of Perversion, along with the majority of Republican voters, Alabama citizens, and Republican Party officials are currently engaged in a desperate attempt to normalize pedophilia in order to get their perv elected to the United States Senate. Naturally, this attempt to normalize pedophilia goes all the way up to the so-called President of the United States. What a fine example all these cretins are! Yeah, I know that pedophilia has been normalized in Alabama seemingly forever but imagine if you are a child who is being sexually abused right now. You are seeing that all hope is gone because what is being done to you is embraced and approved by those who could help you do something about it, including not only the locals and your church, but those who make our laws in Washington and the leader of the free world himself. You were already going to have a messed up life. Maybe, you'd kill yourself outright or do it slowly with years of drug abuse. If it was me, I'd be looking for revenge, big time. These are the forces that are set in motion by those in authority.Lest you would be inclined to say that the Pastors Of Perversion are few in number, I have provided a second meme that lists 50 of the pro-pedo preachers who have signed a letter of endorsement for Roy Moore's candidacy for the United State's Senate. You know there have to be more and you know their congregations have fallen right in line. How many of them will go to the local school houses to vote on election day, and linger to gaze longingly at the girls (or boys) in their gym classes?Here are a few prime quotes from assorted Pro-Perv Pastors who support Roy Moore:

Pastor Earl Wise (Alabama)- There are some 14-year-olds, who, the way they look, could pass for 20...How these gals came up with this, I don't know. They must have had some sweet dreams somewhere down the line."

Hmmm. "Sweet dreams." I think we know something about Pastor Wise's own dreams and how his bent mind works. I also have to wonder how his charming words would be accepted if he was talking about boys and not girls. Where would this story be if Judge Roy Moore's thing was underaged boys? Probably no different. Worse yet, suppose the FBI ended up digging up the woods around Moore's little cabin and found some children last seen on the sides of milk cartons?This, folks, is the state of Christianity and the Republican Party in the year of our lord 2017. What will they approve of next?And, how about making excuses for Moore by blaming the Vietnam War? You've gotta give this next loon, North Carolina's Pastor Flip Benham, some kudos for originality as he tried to justify Moore's "lifestyle" by claiming that there was a shortage of available age-appropriate women in Alabama when Roy Moore returned from his service in Vietnam to pursue a degree in law.

All of the ladies, or many of the ladies that he possibly could have married, were not available then. They were already married, maybe, somewhere.

Benham added that Moore was forced to "look in a different direction" and that he was "looking the for purity of a young woman." Well, what's a guy to do? I suspect that other servicemen returning to Alabama faced the same odds but managed to find a mate without having to go hang outside the local junior high school.The star of today's lead meme, Pastor Franklin Raddish, also isn't from Alabama. He's from South Carolina, as if there's a difference. I've pointed him out not just because, like the other Pastors of Perversion, he is such a prominent staunch defender of Roy Moore, but because he's a cut below (above) when it comes to being eligible for the Trump Deplorables Ring of Honor:

More women are sexual predators than men. Women are chasing young boys up and down the road, but we don't hear about that because it's not PC.

Although I have no doubt that Raddish would back Moore no matter what Moore's proclivities and orientations were, it's clear that the cheese really fell off his cracker long ago when it comes to his brand of homophobia:

These people aren't the good neighbor next door, they're out to target young children. They must recruit their heritage. As many of them will die from AIDS, the only way they can keep their numbers is to recruit. Pedophiles and men dressing like ladies, their objective is recruitment of young children.The pedophiles will be here tomorrow. The men who dress like women will be here. The world wants to educate our children to be tolerant of homosexuals. The homosexuals can't grow in number unless they recruit. How do they recruit?They sodomize. That's the only way.

Damn, this is one bonkers pastor; a pastor who has zero to do with making America great. I can't wait to see what kind of prostitute and what kind of magazines he has in his car when the cops pull him over. Hell, I hope they check the trunk, too! Judge Roy Moore often expresses similar thoughts about LGBT people, but that, together with the runaway hypocrisy, offers an explanation as to why both men are Republicans.We can now regard this list as the short list for which Pro-Perv gets to give the invocation at the 2020 Republican Convention.