Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHis mind is almost completely gone now. But, it will continue to get worse. I made the above meme over a year ago but I never used it because I knew this time was coming. Anyone who watched him speak during his campaign for as little as two minutes could see and hear the mind rotting from within. During the debates you could see it, too, when he crept up behind his opponent to menace her as she spoke. He needed his Adderall just to be there.The desire to lie and whine has always been there. The racism, the grifting and thievery, too. New Yorkers saw that long, long ago. It's all out in the open. He could have been removed a few months ago but Moscow Mitch took the rubles and followed orders. His whole party fell in line. The other party took a timid approach. Acquiescence.Now, we're at a point where he can only lie, whine, and build on his mayhem. There are no brakes whatsoever in his psyche. In the past, once in a while, something true would come out of that mouth. Not anymore. Now, he tells us to drink poisons from under the sink. Now, he pushes medications that can kill if used for the wrong purpose. He does it because he owns a stake in the company that makes the stuff. His donors stand to make more. He hopes for kickbacks in gratitude. He leads his newly named Death Cult Party and his Death Cult media and they follow worshipfully.Now, he sends his heavily armed brownshirt Death Cult supporters right into state legislatures as he did in Michigan a few days ago. The legislators felt compelled to wear bulletproof vests and they did. The rest of us just wear masks or PPE, for now. Work is different now. Many of us work at home. Many of us no longer even have jobs, because of a madman who wants to be a killer even more than a killer virus. He killed the CDC to kill all of us. He's killing the country. He sends butchers into meat processing plants without safety and health precautions that could be easily installed if the will was there. Why does he send them in unprotected? Because he can. It gets his jollies off, just as it does with his $enators and Representatives, the Jim Jordans of the world. The butchers will be butchered themselves. Maybe he dreams of mass graves in Iowa. Would it surprise you?I said it will get even worse. It will. The new instantly debunked lies, bigger and more blatant then ever lies, about Chinese labs, and a non-existent exoneration of Michael Flynn, the demand that whole class of U.S. Army cadets risk getting the life-threatening and career-jeopardizing coronavirus to return to West Point just so he can have an ego-gratifying photo op disguised as a graduation speech, the crisis management of the 2020 plague being a "stunning success" are just a start of a new accelerated phase of his insanity. Who knows who or what will be pardoned next. Who knows which loyal military officers he will be ordered fired, or worse. After that, there will be nothing from him but intense sweating, screaming complete gibberish and speaking in tongues. He's already screaming at his top aides and even his campaign manager, and they take it. They put up with it. Soon, he may even be rolling around on the floor. I expect he already is, at least in the oval office or his bathroom, but soon, it will all of a sudden happen on live TV during some absurdist briefing, and no one in authority will bat an eye.