Midnight Meme Of The Day!

Click on image to enlargeby NoahAnd lately he's been inciting his party to riot, even coupling his encouragement with sly mentions of the 2nd Amendment, a clear signal to create White House approved gun violence if there ever was one. For Trump, it's not enough to just call his fanatical followers "very fine people" He wants them to prove it all over again.Yep, Trump wants the Republican jihadists out in the streets, crowded together, 6 inches of separation, protesting their own well-being just as Republicans previously took the streets and airwaves to protest Obamacare. We don't need no stinkin' health! Trump is sending out his minions in red states and swing states alike, particularly Virginia, Minnesota, and, first of all, Michigan. It's all about "Death, Mayhem, and Re-election!" How's that for a campaign slogan? He's got "Education" Secretary Betsy DeVos coordinating funding from neo-nazi arms of the Republican Party such as her home state's Michigan Freedom Fund, the semi-deceptively named Michigan Conservative Coalition, and Operation Gridlock. Does she have some pipe bombers in vans lined up, too?This is the unfolding of a key element of the Trump 2020 re-election strategy being put forth by republican leaders. RNC Chaircretin Ronna Romney McDaniel is still insisting on a physical party convention to nominate the man they all want anyway. Think of all of those Republican delegates and their attendants and servants, crowded together, passing the virus back and forth. Go Ahead. Make my day! Jared The Twit has probably already bought a controlling interest in a casket company. Buy one now! And, for a little extra, each casket can be emblazoned with a bronze Trump logo and a numbered presidential seal!To Trump and his Republican Party, up to millions of American lives are expendable if their plague-ridden corpses get him re-elected so he can escape various statutes of limitation and do more looting of the United States Treasury of our taxpayer dollars for himself and his donors. Moscow Mitch applauds and you have to know that somewhere off in some damp dark corner ex-Speaker Paul Ryan is rubbing his fetid fecal-encrusted paws together with glee.And, isn't it strange and ironic that the Republicans are protesting state governments who they see as trying to tell them what they can and can't do with their bodies.