Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahFunny how it works: Even more than ever, all the ultra-pig wealthy have to do to get some cash from the special 1% socialist welfare spigot is hold out their greedy hands to congress. Freshly printed or borrowed from China? Who cares? The rest of us have to start dying by the minute for us to even get a measly check for $1200 that won't even cover the cost of our burials. Nice folks those Washington assholes and their banker owners.Sure there are things in the Two Trillion Dollar bag for the non-Billionaire crowd. There's a reluctant temporary increase in unemployment benefits. Likewise with the SNAP program, even a temporary increase in protections against foreclosure and eviction. Temporary. What happens when the plague drags on and on? All of these "gifts" to the majority amount to a "Hey, look over there!" distraction while the 1% rummage through the hugely huge bag of cash, or should I say loot.Now, ask yourselves how much of the largess of our tax payer money to the CEO set will end up being pocketed or used to buy back company stock just like the last time. It certainly won't go to the worker bees and drones. Well, ok, to be fair, and I'm always fair; the working class and the middle class folk, like I said, will get some crumbs from the cake and they'll be told to eat it, and like it.There's even an extra Fuck You in the Two Trillion bag of loot, and guess what, it's a special handout of dodgy, on paper only tax breaks for real estate developers like Donald Jackass, his son--in-law, and other douchebags in his inner circle of slime.. It's easy to miss but it's on page 203 of the 880 page bill. I'm shocked I tell ya! Shocked and appalled! Profiteering off of human misery and death! Happening right in front of us at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! Who could ever have imagined?Who could ever have imagined? The answer is anyone who even paid half attention to the whole impeachment farce. That was a fine example of permissive past being permissive prologue. If treason sleazy quid pro quo dealing is fine and dandy, what's a little grifting of your hard-earned money? It's a perfect handout, even for a little orange hand. Calling the next Trump Tower the Peoples' Tower will be a lot more accurate. Feel free to stop by and purchase some Trump hats and t-shirts, then get out.Congressional oversight of the disbursement of funds handed out? Why sure! There's even an Inspector General! Appointed by Trump and confirmed by the Repug Party $enate. Even better, he, she, or it reports to AG Barr and Congress! It's a perfect plan! Perfect! Perfect like a phone call, I tell ya!It doesn't matter one bit since our thieving, grifting, 360 pound psychopath with the freakshow hair and face has already said he won't be caring one wit about procedures and oversight. Why should he change? What else would a decent human being expect of a lawless president who flaunts his disregard for laws with the voted approval of the $enate? He don't need no stinking badge! As for those Republicans who slipped the tax dodge into the bill, we know what they are, have been, and always will be. They know they will get kickbacks of the largess that comes from our taxes. The kickbacks will go right to their campaigns. The Democrats that let it slide? At best they are woefully naive, gullible fools who should be booted tomorrow; kicked out of their offices that we pay for without even their clothes. At worst, they are in on the joke (except they won't get as big of a cut) and they should be tried and drowned in a dunking pond built right outside the Capitol Building with every one of their Repug Party colleagues like the rats that they are. After all that is done, we might be left with about five honorable Senators and ten honorable Congresspersons. Emphasis might be. I'm feeling generous today.