Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill.-Trump's Vice President, Mick Pence

Ah, the Republican approach to reality! Reality check? What reality? Delusion check is much more like it. Kellyanne Conartist's "Alternative facts" and all that. In that one statement from Mike Pence above, you see the essence of being a Republican. You also see it in the meme's statement about Pence causing an uptick in HIV cases in his home state. When you cut out things like sterile syringes and money to prevent disease, disease happens. It did in Pence's Indiana, and it's happening now, nationwide, as a result of Trump and his Republican death cult cutting funding for longstanding Center For Disease Control prevention and research programs. Disease is opportunistic. Open the door and it comes rushing in. Find a Republican that cares about that and win a prize. You'll have better odds if you start buying lottery tickets.Global warming? I sit here writing this in New York on the night of March 3rd and we've had 4 inches of snow all winter. That's all. Plenty of rain and 50 degree days, though. This morning, I heard about a little girl that got a much hoped for sled for Christmas 2 years ago and has yet to be able to use it. Maybe if her family moves up to Ontario. Maybe. It's not just here. Ask the people in Australia. Ask the people in Mongolia. Just don't ask Mike Pence or any of his sicko kind.Mike Pence and his crew of Left Behind devotees in charge of protecting America from a potential plague or pandemic? We'd have a better chance if an asteroid was aimed dead at us. My god, from what madhouse do they get these people?