Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAnd then Mr. President Stable Genius made VP Mike Pence his Coronavirus Czar. That's right, a man who, like most republicans, hates science, a man who single-handedly caused an upsurge in Indiana HIV cases when he prevented distribution of sterile syringes, and doesn't even believe in evolution is now in charge of coordinating the nation's response to a coming probable pandemic. Maybe, Pence thinks he can pray away the virus. Maybe he thinks he can just hook virus victims up to one of his gay conversion machines and shock it away.It's just like when Mr. President Stable Genius deliberately put Rick Perry in charge of the Department of Energy after Perry said he would get rid of it, appointed Betsy DeVos, who has devoted her life to destroying public education, Secretary of Education, chose Andrew Puzder, probably the man most hostile to the rights of workers in the country, as Secretary of Labor, chose pro-polluter Scott Price to head up the Environmental Protection Agency, and, well, you get the sordid picture. In short, the president who hates everything that lives and breathes, the man who has, over and over again, openly demonstrated his hate for the United States of America and contempt for its ideals while everyone just shrugs, has done it again. Republicans (and our international adversaries) call that "winning."Do you feel safer? Do you feel more safe and reassured than you did 4 years ago? Do you think the odds of your getting the disease have gone up or down because Trump is president?