Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSome people are saying that Princess Ivanka may be the only person in the Trump clan (or klan) who possesses a three digit IQ. I am not so generous. In any event, Big Freaky Orange Daddy-Poo did not appoint her to be Coronavirus Czar but chose catatonic Mike Pence instead, the same Mike Pence who, as governor of the backward state of Indiana, decreed that sterile syringes were verboten at the time when the opioid crisis was on the rise in the state. The result was an increase in statewide HIV and hepatitis C cases. It was quite a triple win for those of the Republican anti-health persuasion: More HIV, more hepatitis C and more need for Big Pharma's various medications; all available at a growing price, of course. Yay profits!By the way, those latex gloves Ivanka is wearing are enough to send Pence sobbing in fear to "Mother."