Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOn the one hand, there's Hunter Biden. On the other hand, we have a whole White House chock full of grifters. Grifting is just another evil endorsed by Republicans, for Republicans anyway.The whole Hunter Biden thing is a Karl Rove-style move; accuse your opponent of that which you yourself are guilty. It doesn't matter if your opponent is guilty of anything or not. The object is to divert the media and public attention from what you are guilty of. Hey, look over there! It's a lot like the swift-boating of John Kerry. Kerry served in Viet Nam while Rove's man Bush was AWOL, snorting coke off of the butts of whores on Bourbon Street. It works because we have a complicit media with right wing sympathies, and, a very gullible public with low intelligence, no critical thinking ability, and a short attention span.Newt Gingrich was another one; pointing at Bill Clinton's affair while he was having his own, cheating on his wife as she lay in a hospital suffering from cancer. It's what Republicans call character.Be careful what you wish for, Republicans.