Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThis is what the Republican Party stands for now. It's not as if it wasn't before, but, they've really ratified it this time, so clearly, so bigly and so proudly. Over the first two days of their all in defense of their Dear Leader in his impeachment "trial," the republicans expended a great amount of energy and an even greater amount of bullshit in order to make sure we all know exactly where they stand. To Republicans, the criminality of asking foreign nations to get involved in our election campaigns and the treason of encouraging election interference is of no importance and not impeachable. That being the case, it's easy to see why those who count themselves as members of the Repug Party also see nothing wrong with the list of items in tonight's meme. It's all part of "Make America Great Again."The Trump Impeachment "trial" has been a multi-layered episode. Aside from what it says about Trump, it shows us what standing up for laws and one's country is, just as it has shown us what a cynical attitude, in the service of fun and profit, towards the law and society is. The majority of the nation's population wants to hear from witnesses. The Republican $enate and those among the population and the media who support Trumpism prefer to be accomplices. In that sense, they have put themselves on trial as well. We are all the witnesses to that.Tonight's meme lists what is only the partial extent of what republicans have no qualms about showing they stand for. In fact, if you add in a few things like a worship of pollution, a religion of racism, more than a dash of homophobia, and depriving millions of healthcare, you have what amounts to the Republican Party's vision for America. Following the example that the Republican Party has so fully endorsed, future generations of Americans will decide that laws, morality, and human decency no longer apply at all. In fact, if you follow FOX "News" and other Beavis & Butthead "news" outlets, they are things to be laughed at. The endorsement of a chaos president will now exponentially increase the chaos in our country for decades if not forever, not that forever is a long time now. So, take a look at the Trump Tower Of Cover Ups. Yes, it is, undeniably, the Republican Party 2020 platform. Now watch all of these Trump supporters cheering for it in their little red hats.