Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahNow we have a situation where 100 $enators will each choose between the Constitution of the United States of America or their treacherous loyalty to a man who willfully serves as an asset for our adversaries. We know that, as things stand now, at least 53 will fight like hell to support that foreign asset and cover up his actions, knowing that what we already know is just the tip of the iceberg and, that as the weeks, months and years pass, more will continue to come as sure as the tide. In other words, they have joined in said cover up. At the end of the day, how many will vote to make Donald Trump the O.J. Simpson of presidents and leave it to someone else to try to put Trump where he truly belongs? A warning to them all: When a justice system is abused so gravely, justice is left to take other forms. Is that what they want? Most likely it is. It's certainly what our adversaries in Russia, North Korea, and China want.As I write this (Thursday), 99 Senators have just been sworn in for the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump by Chief "Justice" John Roberts. Senator James Inhofe (R-OKKK) was absent, no doubt stuck back in the middle of the 19th century where he spends most of his time. The oath our Senators have taken (See Below) promises that they swear to "do impartial justice." I think we all know what that phrase means in the language of Washington, just as I'm sure that any close examination of any film of the oath-taking might reveal that at least more than half of the Senators sent body doubles or swore the oath with one hand raised and the other, fingers crossed, behind the back. Let this new phase of the latest Washington farce begin.In a sane and moral world, the new evidence provided by human smoking gun Lev Parnas would have men and women of conscience in the $enate rethinking their desire to skip the proceedings, dismiss the trial, vote for acquittal, and put a big smile on Putin's mug asap. However, hoping to find a significant number of such people of good conscience and character in our Capitol Building is a fools errand. Already, Arizona's "in way over her head" Martha McSally and the increasingly absurd Susan Collins of Maine have taken a public stance that any new evidence provided doesn't count. As Traitor Don himself has said:

You know what else they say about my people. The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters, okay?

I can almost muster some sympathy for McSally who is showing more and more signs of PTSD mixed with a low IQ, whereas Collins is a useless bag of rotted ectoplasm whose speech and motor skills are evidently controlled by a head full of maggots. Meanwhile, Mittens Romney is trying to pass himself off as "the reasonable one" who would deign to lower himself to actually hear what, maybe, one, but just one witness has to say. In truth, it's obvious that he's just positioning himself as Mr. Logical 2020 Republican Presidential Candidate in case the whole thing actually does implode and Trump is gone and no one in his party of fellow goons wants Pence (assuming Pence is even still around and hasn't left Washington to become a door to door Gay Conversion Machine salesman).We all know that Lindsey Graham refuses to even read or hear about any evidence. Moscow Mitch dares not support the appearance of witnesses because he's probably afraid of some Russia jabbing him in the butt with a poisoned umbrella. A regular umbrella would be just fine, to him. The only other thing that motivates McConnell is the fear of losing his re-election and therefore his position as a cash sponge. That's cash from any source available. The newest evidence, call it "The Parnas File," shows us that Lev Parnas (methodically and deliberately in an act of self-preservation) and Rudy Giuliani (incompetently and inadvertently in an act of unwitting self-immolation) have utterly demolished Trump's defense. Parnas has pointed to Trump's direct involvement in the Ukraine affair and implicated both Mike Pence and A.G. William Barr. This has plunged republicans not into a deeper state of panic or denial but an even deeper desire to cover up. They all have the scent of rubles on their hands. McConnell is already making additional plans to sabotage the public reaction to the trial by decreeing that television cameras and coverage shall be limited. Republicans don't want the public to actually see the proceedings properly. He wants no closeups of Senators presenting the case to their colleagues and Justice Roberts. Moscow Mitch certainly doesn't want the public seeing what's going on. How very Soviet of him.

I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.