Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPast presidents have used the diversionary tactic of dropping some bombs for ulterior motives before, but none were as mentally sick as Donald J. Trump. He has made himself a synonym for severe mental illness, and yet, he is worshiped by his party and allowed to go on. Moscow Mitch, his $enate minions, and those Trump rally crowds are living proof of that.Back in February 2004, George W. Bush smugly declared "I'm a wartime president" in an interview with the late Tim Russert. It was a very Karl Rove move then and it's a very Karl Rove move now. Bush was about to face a very tough re-election campaign in 2004 and Trump is now in 2020. Rove knew that America leans towards not changing presidents during war and knew that framing the current war in terms of continuity was a reliable election tactic. You could even tell by the way Bush said it that he knew it was an election ploy. He half giggled and then projected an aura of smugness, not unlike the smugness you see on Trump's sick face in tonight's meme.The fact that Bush (and Cheney) were allowed to get away with it has allowed Trump to try and get away with it now. Getting away with it gave future presidents license and even a get out of jail free card for war crimes. As I always say, Washington takes care of its own, so Trump no doubt will. When push comes to shove, Washington looking out for its own may end up being the number one remaining bi-artisan thing about our government. At best we get a few instances of the "best words" being thrown about with insincerity, and, maybe a little bone or two, but we never see the proper remedy. The only difference this time is that Trump, unlike Bush, has been impeached. Sure, it stains his legacy a little bit but, unless he is removed and imprisoned by $enate trial, the effect is meaningless.So now the only question is how far in his insanity will Trump go and be allowed to go. Today, that appears to be a completely rhetorical question. Bombing Iran has been a right wing dream for years, just as dropping bombs on Cuba was 60 years ago. To Hell with the consequences; the burning, fiery, consequences, even if they engulf the world. Who says Trump doesn't have a solution for the global warming problem. A nuclear winter will take care of that. Even now, our media and political idiots are thinking "No one would do the unthinkable!" The same types of limited minds once said no one would fly a plane into a building to make a point.And yet, there he is; still sitting in the oval office with a smug look on his face, thinking god knows what.