Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTonight's Meme: A tale of two Jackasses; a two-legged one and his smarter four-legged cousin.I woke up New Year's morning and sat down before my brand new MAC iCrystal Ball G9000 and peered thru the cloudy mists into the near-future and beheld an image of an almost satyrish Rudy Giuliani, still imagining himself as a crime-burster extraordinaire. Giuliani appeared to have once again disappeared into the hills of the fabled Sierra Ukraine in search of golden dirt on his master's political rivals. As he travelled, he sang to himself of his own greatness and how pleased his master and even his master's master would be with him when he returned from his mission. He sang loudly and proudly, too loudly. The hills began to rumble and cascade down upon him. When the dust cleared, there was Rudy, buried up to his nose in a dune of dirt of his own making, his scratch-covered bald pate exposed to the rays of the sun. It looked like any other rock, except for those two crazed buggy eyes that peered out from the hills.