Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe Trump "Presidential" "Library" won't have any books other than The Art Of The Deal and a special series of bound volumes of fake Time Magazine covers but I bet the very gender specific rest rooms will have toilets like the one shown above.As you enter the "Presidential" "Library," you will enter a large room, the kind that would normally be called a "great hall." In this case however, it will be called "The Tremendously Bigly Hall" and it will be festooned with red ceiling to floor Nazi flags, Confederate flags, and MAGA flags. In the very center of this "Tremendously Bigly Hall" will be a giant-sized solid gold version of the Mega Flush 500-Gallon toilet. Perched on it will be the orange figure of a sweaty Jabba the Hutt looking statue with weird combover hair and wearing a red tie that dangles into the toilet. He will be in tweeting pose. Visitors will be able to press buttons that access a boundless library of Trump tweets that will display on large screens throughout the "Tremendously Bigly Hall."Trump's tweets will, by then, be called TweetyTurds. The day he finally leaves office, whether on a stretcher, in chains, or dragged screaming will come to be a national holiday called MAGA Flush Day. It will be celebrated by just half of the American public. FOX "News" will acknowledge the day with somber muzak, an on-stage eternal flame, and counter programming that features the selling of Trump Indulgences including pieces of the true Trump Oval Office toilet and desk, and, a day-long run of what FOX and the RNC see as their idol's greatest tweets and speeches with glowing special guest commentary from leading world despots, dictators and Republican $enators.