Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah"And you can't make me!" So say treasonous politicians like the above pictured Rep. Doug Collins. Collins may be from Georgia but, like just about any Republican you care to name, his soul is with our nation's adversaries. It doesn't take anything to assume that Collins sees his first loyalty as not to his district or the nation but to "President" Trump and Trump's spy master handlers based in Moscow. Collins raised his right hand and took an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America on his very first day in Congress. Evidently, he held his left hand behind his back, fingers crossed.Collins is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee. That's how far the apparent ruble-fed infiltration has gone in the House of Representatives. What we saw from Collins and his Republican fellow travelers on the committee as the debate over impeachment ensued was nothing short of panic as they yelled and screamed louder than a 3 year old who's suddenly told they can't ride in the stroller anymore. Not one House Republican obeyed the oath they swore. Not one.The insanity of your typical Republican was perhaps best manifested by Rep. Collins's fellow crackpot from Georgia (the state not the part of the former Soviet Union), Rep. Barry Loudermilk. Loudermilk compared the impeachment of the Trumpanzee to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As far as I know, Trump has not been repeatedly beaten by a mob, has not felt the lash of whips, has not had a crown of thorns jammed on his head, and has no bloody nail holes in his hands and feet, or a spear wound in his side. I expect Trump will soon be marketing red Make America Great Again Shrouds of Turin.