Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahDear Donnie Headcase,I for impeachment! You've earned your scarlet letter, a big red I. You've always liked red, in more ways than one. The only improvement to your outfit would be a pair of handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit with that big red I emblazoned on your chest. In a better world, you'd be in that jumpsuit already but what we see in the above meme will suffice for today. You're getting off far, far easier than you deserve.Donnie, when you finally actually do make America great again by breathing out the stink of your last breath, your obits will begin with a mention of your impeachment. Wear it in shame, motherfucker.Meanwhile, predictable as you are, we know you will endlessly scream and blame everybody but yourself. Sorry, Donnie, even a small measure of justice can be a bitch. You have brought it all on yourself. You have been the instrument of your own karma. Stew in it. Boil in it. Roll around in your self-created torment. Wallow in your all-encompassing failure. We almost can't wait to see what sort of wailing crybaby denial masks your sick brain comes up with. They will only further prove your unfitness, not just for your existence in the oval office but for your unfitness for life on this planet. When that glorious day comes, may your reeking body be carted, no, dragged naked down Constitution Avenue, off to the nearest hazardous wast dump post haste, and, oh how I wish you would do like some of those ancient despots and insist that your inner circle be killed and buried with you.Merry Holiday,Noah