Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt's a shame we let Trump back in the country when he stormed out of the NATO meetings and headed back to our shores after seeing a tape of other world leaders mocking him. Besides, we're getting to the point where Trump is so damn untethered we could have had Air Force One just set him down on an isolated, uninhabited island somewhere and he'd never know the difference. He would start holding his red hat=hatred rallies in front of the crabs and clams on the beach. He'd hear them cheering in his disintegrating mind. Eventually, though, the audience of crabs and clams would not be enough. He'd start to hear other voices, voices that mocked him. Even the breeze and the waves would seem to mock him as the gulls laughed at ever-increasing volume. He'd look out at the surrounding ocean and imagine he sees periscopes poking up through the surface. He'd hear the muffled voices of the submariners mocking him from below the surface. He'd hear the laughter of whole schools of fish. Whale songs would become whale laughter. The red tide would even form itself into the shape of huge red hats that read "Fuck You, Donnie!" That's right Donnie, everybody is laughing at you, at least the sane ones are. Scream loud Donnie. Scream loud! There isn't another human within 2000 miles. No one can hear you scream yourself to a whimper.Alas, no one is going to drop him off on an island. Maybe we should just ask the folks in the middle picture to do a new version of "We Are The World" with some new lyrics.
