Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPlease, not the goat tapes, Mr. President. Not those tapes of me and Boris the cute little dancing Russian cubby bear! Please! Yes! I'll do anything you say! And, please keep sending those rubles. Don't cut me off. I've got a tough campaign. Yes, I know Donald has copies of the tapes and photos. Yes, I know what you have on him. At least I have a real good idea. You have nothing to worry about with me Mr. President, sir. No need to have anyone with a poison-tipped umbrella following me around. I'll be a good boy. A very good boy. I like being a very good boy! You know all of us Republicans swear allegiance to you. What's that? Yes, I'll say hello to Moscow Mitch. Oh and Gym and Devin, too? All of them. Yes, our country will be your country soon. You have nothing to worry about. It's all but done. No problem. Ukraine did it, not you, ha ha. Yes sir! Yes, Mr. President sir!