Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahI am so sick of this woman. She has stretched whatever bounds of compassion any normal person can summon. What is it inside her that has made her so sick that it shows on the outside like an over-imposing billboard? Her complete inability to tell the truth about even the most obvious and mundane things is horrific and beyond treatment, as is her willing servitude to evil. I get the feeling that, if her father didn't have the money, she would be locked up securely in a mental hospital. Not that I am a believer in such things but a silver cross would adorn the door for good measure.What happened to this person? Was she kept in a closet, hidden from the rest of her family and humanity until, at age 34, she was given her current job? What makes a person so emotionally stunted and morally bankrupt? In another place and time, she might have been one of Charlie Manson's girls destroying lives like she daily attempts to destroy reality itself now. Instead, we have sunk so low as a society that she is the perfect creature for the press room podium at the Trump White House.What makes you so angry, Sarah? What makes you so filled with contempt for humankind? Did you ever have a soul?You couldn't make up a character like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. No publisher or movie studio would buy into it. They'd beg you to at least give her some tiny whiff of normal humanity, maybe a hint that there was once some childhood innocence before the complete corruption. But, the tragic fact is that that is not her. The guy on the left is also a freak, but he has warmth. He has human aspects. Sarah, though... well, every damn time I see her, I expect her to start speaking in that exorcist voice like Linda Blair. I think it's going to happen soon. Either that or she's just going to crack up completely or even spontaneously burst into flame.It's time to call in the priest, a priest willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Maybe not to save her. That ship has sailed. But saving America? That can be done, if we act now.