Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSo now, Donnie Trump has Impeachment Bone Spurs. It's a terrible condition but it's very treatable... with a bonesaw!We all know Trump has a friend who has who has a bonesaw and he can dispatch Jared to Saudi Arabia to go get it. We should set up a national lottery to pick one real American to administer treatment. Let me just be the first to say that, once I have that bonesaw in hand, I will be more than happy to perform my patriotic duty if requested to do so.But maybe the best way to get Donnie to hand over the materials that congress has repeatedly requested is to tell him that, Impeachment Bone Spurs or not, he will get a participation trophy if he does turn over the goods. Rep. Schiff could even go have a trophy made up just for Donnie, with his name in gold, and call it the Nobel Peace Prize. Happiness all around! Meanwhile, I'm going to go practice sawing now, just in case.