Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHere's the President Of The United States Of America, "the leader of the 'free' world," the "dear leader" and cherished icon of the Republican Party, the servant of Putin and the traitor to his country. The picture for tonight's meme was taken at a recent get together with other world leaders and as you can see, Trump did a fine job of representing the intelligence of the American voter. While doing so, he very ably indicated how he would fare if he was to take an IQ test. Not to worry, he says he's very smart. Not only that, his supporters believe him. He even actually said what is attributed to him in the quote. His party and the rest of his fans believe that too. Who could ever challenge his brilliant actions and statements?Now, just imagine this assclown in the Oval Office mindlessly tapping away at the nuclear code device. Don't worry. All is well!
