Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahNot to cast aspersions on every single person in the former Soviet Union, but how shady and sleazy do you have to be for Ukrainians to see you as so sleazy that you have broken the accepted norms and deserve the extra special kind of attention that appeared on the front page of the October 18th Kyiv Post?Started up in 1995, the Kyiv Post is the Ukrainian media outlet that is seen as the the global media voice of Ukraine. It's available in both English and Russian language editions and has withstood many attempts to shut it down.It seems that, in a place that tolerates more sleaze than most countries, even places like the Bolivia of legend, Uganda, and the current U.S., some bigly reeking bags of sleaze and corruption are just too big and slimy. The front page shown above (you can click to enlarge and savor) serves as a nifty scorecard. Sure, it's not all of the players but it's a start. You know there will be more rocks turned over and more Trump Wise Guys and Made Men (and Made Women) will be revealed. Hell, the Kyiv Post front page doesn't even show the likes of Moscow Mitch, Marco Rubio, Gym Jordan, the recently disappeared Rick Perry, Lindsey Graham, Tom Coburn, the sleaze promoters at FOX, and so many others. Not to worry, all of them will be featured when the book about this whole sordid period comes out.When the Trumpian Bigly Book Of Sleaze And Treason is published, I predict that Republican $enators and Congresscretins, so proud of their efforts to subvert America, will line up in their prison garb to autograph copies for sales to the MAGA hat-wearing Trump faithful at future "Free The Trump 500" rallies! Well, maybe not. In a better universe, anyone with the stink of Trump would be already in jail or on the way by now.