Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahMAGA: My Attorneys Get Arrested. Another example of Trump always knowing "the best people."It's time to arrest the entire Trump administration for being his accomplices and make it MAGA: My Administration Got Arrested. That's the MAGA hat I want to see! Drag them all away in chains. I have a dream that the Trumpies will be truly judged by the content of their character! And sentenced accordingly! Get the baskets and oil up the blades! Line 'em up on the Washington Mall and let's all gather there on July 14th for an American Bastille Day! Take Lindsey Graham's Marie Antoinette costume and make Ivanka wear it! It's how she sees herself anyway. Watch Pence melt with envy as he clicks his red heels and tries to disappear!Well, it's a pleasant thought anyway but here I am, trapped in the Bizarro World, the world where wrong is rewarded.