Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:The question of the right to legally discriminate against LGBTQ citizens at the workplace (and, no doubt everywhere else in time) has been driven to the highest court in the land by the likes of the evangelical "Christian" right, self-haters such as Gay Conversion Therapy advocate Mike Pence, and, yes, legions of typical republican bigots. It boils down to republicans and the Neo-Nazi brethren they identify with wanting to be able to exert their hate and fear by firing LGBTQ employees simply because they are who they are. That is what the pertinent cases the "Supreme" Court are hearing center around. One of the cases even specifically deals with the questions of who is allowed to wear what attire in the workplace when it comes to self identity! You can read some of the gory details at the link I have provided and I urge you to do so. It really cuts to the chase. As you will see, even the "Supreme" Court's own dress code is bizarro world stuff.The "Supreme" Court will decide whether or not an LGBTQ person is protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Given that conservatives despise the very concept of civil rights for anyone other than straight white males, and the fact that House and Senate republicans of recent decades have incessantly expressed bitterness and hostility towards any notions of civil rights, the court's vote on this could be extremely ugly. Incredibly, we won't know the court's decision for many months. I guess questions of morality and decency are difficult for them to figure out. Whatever they decide will define the legacy of the 9 judges as a group and as individuals, plus the court itself.Rhetorical question of the day: What kind of court system even considers the right to discriminate against our LGBTQ brothers and sisters to even be a legitimate question? The "Supreme" Court should be excoriated for even deliberating on the question, and, those hate-filled judges and lawyers that propelled this question as far as it's gotten deserve far worse.We all know by now, or should know, that bigotry of all kinds is the central driving negative life force of all Republicans whether they admit it or not. At this point, judges appointed and approved by republicans, and, to be fair, conservative democrats like Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin, should ditch their black robes or suits and replace them with KKK sheets and hoods since that's the kind of thing they endorse regardless of their own gender, race, orientation, or preference.