Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe asteroid hasn't hit quite yet but it has made its presence known. A few dinosaurs have noticed a scent in the air but most disregard it.It's time for the gravity to speed up the impact. That cannot come too soon. When Greta Thunberg's dynamic speech at the United Nations hit last week, it shook the slow-witted, slow-moving dinosaurs of the world even more than when the Parkland kids spoke up and said "Enough!" The right's reaction was predictable. The snickering "No little child is going to get in the way of our Earth-killing profiteering" statements came swiftly. FOX's sieg heiling Laura Ingraham called Greta and all of the youth climate activists Children Of The Corn but maybe that's what they should be in the case of people like Ingraham. Stay home at night, Laura. No one wants to see you, on your broom or not, anyway.Perhaps most illustrative of Republican reaction was another FOX "News" luminary who wasted no time in calling Greta Thunberg "a mentally ill child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left." Trump, of course joined in by mocking Greta from the safety of his bathroom twitter machine. FOX later gave a typically insincere "apology." Trump did not, of course, but Greta, whose obvious brainpower runs circles around the dead orange husk that resides upon Trump's shoulders, deftly turned his "best words" against him in her twitter bio. Easy as pie.Stay tuned. The righties of the universe are panic-stricken because "a child" called them out and had the smarts and care to do it on an international stage. The "15 minutes of fame" putdowns will be fast and furious. Expect Trump to demand Greta's visa be rescinded, Lindsey Graham to get his knickers in a twist, Sean Hannity to come up with a wacko Greta Thunberg conspiracy that will make his Seth Rich idiocy pale by comparison, and Judge Roy Moore to be asking for her cell phone number.