Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe above cartoon (You can click on it to enlarge) goes a long way in summing up the idiocy of our American culture these days. I especially like the Schrodinger's Impeachment explanation depicted in the first frame. On the one hand we have Rep. Nadler at least saying the right words, effectual or not, that would steer us toward the possibility of impeaching the disease called Trump. On the other hand, we have Speaker Pelosi who has chosen, of her own free will, to be an accomplice to Trump's treachery, if not outright treason, and represent the impossibility of impeaching Trump. In Schrodinger's thought experiment (Schrodinger's Cat), he called the two possible outcomes superpositions. He gave no weight advantage to either position. It was just pure quantum mechanics, left to outside forces if you will. It is in the realm of physical possibility that we could be such a force, but only if we exert our own free will as enough of a counter balance to the forces of evil. A less dumbed down populace did exactly that when we provided FDR with the necessary ammunition to act for at least some benefit of the citizenry, or, way before then, when we took up arms against a lunatic king and his red-coated (instead of red-hatted) minions.