Midnight Meme Of the Day!

by NoahGee, look at this pair of drug-pushing assclowns. Someone even gave the daddy a medal. You almost have to give the Sackler Cartel some kind of credit. After all, they wanted to be honest upstanding citizens of the world and didn't want to do anything illegal like selling heroin or crack. No, they used some of that good old American capitalist ingenuity and invested their money in something worse but legal! Yay, Purdue Pharma! How long before our "I Hate The World And Everything That lives" president gives all of the Purdue Pharma's Sackler family a special "El Chapo Medal Of Freedom" award?El Chapo was lazy, and, a loser. He must know that now that he is in a jail cell he can't tunnel out of. He's probably green with envy that he didn't have the smarts to sell legal drugs that kill people, but, hey, he was old school; not the Sacklers! Now they are trying to settle with the individual states of the country they attacked with their plague of oxycontin while reportedly trying to hide some of their billions. How long before they put on disguises and disappear faster than Jeffrey Epstein's madam? They are literally buying their freedom. They aren't spending one day, one hour, one minute in jail for taking the tobacco model and pushing it to new murderous lows. "Here America. Here world. Here's a nice safe drug that will ease your pain! Don't you worry, it's safe. First one's free. Have a sample, and if you have worries, don't worry, we have something for that, too!" Of course it isn't safe, but they knew all that, just like the tobacco companies knew that their beloved product gave people cancer and the oil companies knew they were hastening death-dealing global warming and GM knew their Corvairs were unsafe at any speed. It's an old, old story and it just gets worse and worse because corporate pigs in suits and the bankers who love them get worse and worse as human beings.The Sacklers and their Purdue Cartel are going to be paying out what for them is pocket change, even though their hideous press flacks and monstrous lawyers will bitch and moan that the fines are so unfair, so unfair. Puh-leeze. Anything short of truck-draggings over salted broken glass before being tossed in a dungeon for life is what's unfair. But, as I said, they are buying their way out of it. Now, ask yourselves how they bought into into it. How did these death merchants get approval from judges and the FDA? Three guesses and the first two don't count because you only need one if you have half a brain. They got their evil product to us the old fashioned way. The cops were on the take.Don't go thinking the pols in Washington will do anything but a whitewash investigation, if that. Big Pharma's lobbyists are busy filling more delivery bags with cash as you read this.