Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI always used to have ambivalent feelings about Dan Rather. Those feelings centered around what I saw as him being such a conservative corporate news guy, but, opinions can change, both his and mine. The tweet I'm using as tonight's meme may be the most astute thing I've ever heard from him. I love it for its facetiousness. The obvious answer just hangs there!There were early reports that Señor Trumpanzee would welcome storm refugees from the Bahamas into our country. That apparently changed the second he saw all those people of color getting on that ferry headed for our shores. Oh to have a listening device in the oval office, the proverbial fly on the wall! I can just see Stephen Miller, or one of the other of Trump's fellow White House white supremacists, running into the oval office to make sure he saw. We can easily imagine Trump having an exploding freakout! That idea makes sense in the context of what Trump is. He probably always thought of the Bahamas as a kind of tropical Norway, full of nice, tidy white Brits walking around in white suits or white tennis outfits, off to the local courts for a deliciously uncoordinated game of tennis and some drinks with umbrellas in them. Then, he saw it: The Ferry Of Horror! He started spouting off about gangs and druggies, his main descriptives for "brown people."Ironic isn't it, being as the White House is one big destructive gang. And, they probably all snort adderall and worse with him. I hope though that there's at least a couple who will stop him when he starts planning to invite all of the Republican Senators over for cross burnings on the White House lawn. They'll probably have to tackle him and take away his matches. Hmmm. What are the odds that that has already happened?