Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThere are billions of victims in this world and Donald Jackass Trump is not one of them. He just loves playing the victim on social media, at his Neo-Nazi rallies, at his impromptu press meet ups, etc. He sits on his golden bowl in the wee hours of the morning and tweets his anger and his sick perception that he is the number one victim in the universe. He's not a victim. He is a victimizer. He's a sadist. He was a sadist when he placed that ad calling for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park Five. He was a sadist when he ordered children to be torn from the arms of their parents and put in cages. He was a sadist when he wanted to just let Puerto Rico die. Even the act of throwing them paper towels was an act of sadistic mockery. He was also a sadist when he stripped away protections for our environment and endangered animals. He thinks of the long term deaths that he can effect. That's why he shrugs, smirks, and lies about climate change. He even jokes about his pals sexually abusing young girls and he even supported one's candidacy for the United States $enate and will again. If Donald Jackass Trump was just some loner loser living in the suburbs, chances are that, sooner or later, state and local police would be digging in the crawl space under his house.Now, Donald Jackass is calling for the removal of emissions standards, a move that even the auto companies are balking at. Same with Big Oil (Exxon and Dutch Shell) who don't think it's a good idea to increase the amount of methane allowed to be poured into the air that we breathe due to its heat trapping effect. Yes, the motivations of Big Oil in this are suspect since they know it'll likely bounce back to them and bite them in their fat butts, but, Trump doesn't give a shit. He does all of this while a mega hurricane is bearing down on millions of people who mean absolutely nothing to him. He is the worst comic book villain come to life. He's an angry, severely mentally ill little man who, for whatever reason going back to his childhood, has it in for everything that lives on this Earth. He is a sadist with a ton of power and, to date, no one in the media will label him what he really is. His protectors on Wall Street and in the Capitol Building are even worse.Trump knows he is fully enabled and unchecked. It's so bad that he's playing God now, the worst kind of Old Testament God. He's been trying to force death sentences on sick patients in our hospitals, even ones who were invited to our country by our medical research community in order to try and cure not only them but to better the lives and save the lives of future patients with the same diseases, rare and not so rare. Research be damned. Lives be damned. He has given the patients 30 days to leave the country and "go back where they came from" and only a huge public uproar is getting in his way. Without the continued care they've been getting, the patients he wants to deport will soon die and die horribly. Without the things our medical people could discover and learn about these patients and the diseases they are suffering from, so will Americans. The republican war on healthcare wasn't enough to satisfy the lust for pain and death held dear by Trump and his supporters and proud boy staff. They tried to sneak this through during one of the deadest weeks of the year. "Everyone's on vacation. They won't notice." Well, thanks to WBUR in Boston, we did, but the evil coming from the White House knows no bounds and it will only get worse because our so-called representatives do nothing. Pelosi, McConnell, and all of their go along to get along happy-faced henchmen and henchwomen have more blood on their grimy money grubbing paws than before. Same with all of the CEOs and other scum here and abroad who bribe them and back them.So, Trump as victim? Yeah right. To date, humanity has been way, way too kind to Trump. The fact that he is not locked away in a rat-infested, karmic payback black mold paradise of a dungeon is proof of that. No, Trump is no victim, and the only time he will be is in the unlikely event that he is ever brought to justice. At that point, he would be a victim of his own actions.