Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah"Republican Lawmaker" is the new "Florida Man." it's two words that, well, you just cringe when you see them together. It's always a "Jeez, what now?" moment. For years we've seen headlines like "Florida Man Shocked When Pet 20-Foot Python Eats Daughter" or some such thing. Or, how about trying on "Florida Man Claims He Only Drank At Stoplights, But Not While Driving" for laughs? As for "Republican Lawmakers," we get things like "Republican Lawmaker Punches Wife In Face For Not Undressing Quick Enough," or "Republican Lawmaker Yells 'Go Back To Puerto Rico' At California Rep." To be fair, "Republican Lawmakers" usually contain their most insane vocal moments to statements or actions of misogyny, mass shootings, racism, rape, or their twisted version of god. Floridians take a more no holds barred approach to insanity but republicans are making great progress in their attempts to catch up. So now we've gone from now former Missouri "Republican Lawmaker" Todd Akin's infamous words "If it's a legitimate rape..." to Iowa's current "Republican Lawmaker" Steve King saying what amounts to "Hey, everyone has a bit of rape and incest in their family tree. What's the big deal?" Well, Steve King's statement may ring more true out in the cornfields of Iowa or other places where one best not stop for gas, food, or lodging, but just what is King trying to justify here? Is this more of that permissive Republican society "It's ok to grab 'em by the pussy" thing that Trump's 62 million supporters went for so enthusiastically back in 2016? Must be. Like Trump, who has praised King in the past, Steve King is an avowed, open, white supremacist and also like Trump, King apparently sees sexual assault as normal, approvable or at least forgivable behavior. Iowans have even voted for their beloved representative more times than the nation has voted for Trump (so far). Damn, I can't wait to hear "Republican Lawmaker" Steve King's views on Jeffrey Epstein!Of course, none of this should be surprising coming from a Republican Party whose "Republican Lawmaker" members accept being a traitor to one's country as normal and approach every Russian oligarch with their hand out. "Hey, everybody has a little treason in their family tree!"