Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTrump may not hate everything about what America has become. We know he loves unfettered corporate greed. He's not alone in that. We know he loves the KKK's "very fine people" and every other white supremacy group in the land, especially the ones who killed Heather Heyer and two Virginia state troopers in Charlottesville. Last week he again re-tweeted the words of a fellow white supremacist. This time it was Katie "Final Solution" Hopkins. To Trump, the white supremacists are his people, his core constituency. He also loves the opportunities for unchecked corruption of all kinds. But, most importantly of all, Trump despises the Ideals of America and he despises its constitution and its laws. He is a complete mental case who has dedicated his life to hurting as many Americans as he possibly can through, among other things, his pathological lying, his environmental policies, his economic policies, his views on education, his jihad against our national security apparatus, his tax scam, his weeding out of scientists from the USDA, his misogyny, his rabid dog racism, his homophobia, and, of course, his contempt for the very idea of affordable healthcare for American citizens.The above cartoon suggests Trump should be banished to Germany but I think he'd be unhappy there, not that that would bother me. I mean, you know, as soon as he arrived, he'd be bitching that they took down all of the Hitler statues and telling any German who would listen that Germany's Nazis were very fine people too. Perhaps, Argentina would be a better choice. He could fix up Mengele's old farm house and put a nice big gold 'Trump' on the roof.