Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe FOX "News" moral compass spins around like a ceiling fan stuck on high speed. Not to wish anything bad would happen to the three blind morons on the couch but, if there was a god, the bolts on the ceiling fans above them would come loose and do the work of karma, making FOX And Fiends look like a delightful brand new Sam Peckinpah film, on live morning TV. Great day in the morning!Variations on a FOX AND FIENDS theme, an adaptation:1) "Like it or not, those people in London are not our citizens. It's not like Mr. Hitler is bombing people from America. Those people are from another country! Besides, Mr. Hitler is making the German trains run on time."2) "Like it or not, Rev. Martin Luther King wasn't our pastor. It's not like his shooting means anything to our viewers! He didn't know his place!"3) "Like it or not, AIDS is just something those deviant prevert homos get. It's not like I should give a damn."4) "Like it or not, those Puerto Ricans are not our people. It's not like the hurricane hurt part of America! What? It is? The whole island? Well, they should have moved out of harm's way, but not here, though. Definitely not here. No way. Not here."5) "Like it or not, President Obama is not an American. It's not like he was born here like a real president is supposed to be! He's from another country!"