Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahOn the surface, yes, tonight's meme is humorous. That's the first reaction that most people would have.But, the more meaningful reaction to the meme that I have is a sadness that we very well could end up being offered a choice between Biden and Trump, two living fossils, two old men from a different time, a different century, one even a lunatic walking around in the throes of dementia. That's not to say that I consider a candidate's age to be an issue but, in most cases, old age means old entrenched attitudes, inflexibility, and dulled, backward-looking vision.None of this is to say that it isn't imperative for the future of the country and the world that the treasonous Trump be removed from the White House if not Earth itself, but, we can do better, much better than Joe Biden. Still what I see in the establishment media world and the establishment Washington world is another example of "the corporate powers that be" getting behind these two candidates, either one of which they would be very comfortable with as president due to a comfort level and a shared life status and viewpoint. The powers that be look at these two men and they see themselves.In the case of Joe Biden, if he gets the Democratic Party's nomination, that would also sadly dovetail with a theory of our political world reality that I've had and expressed for decades now. It's as simple as this: The powers that be, the people who really push their choices at us, often present a candidate with a decades-long political resume as a reward for a lifetime of Washington service in which they played the game and didn't make any waves that would upset the corrupt status quo. Such a candidate is often but not always put up against an incumbent president and isn't expected to win. That candidate isn't the first choice of the corporate masters but they can live with it if that candidate actually does, by some semi-miracle, win. If they lose, it's thank you for your service and sacrificial lamb status.If I were a cynical man (who me?), I might think that that is the planned role for Biden in 2020. Is Biden what I have defined as a lifetime service award candidate? That's how I see previous candidates such as Bob Dole, Walter Mondale, John Kerry, John McCain, and even Adlai Stevenson, just to name a handful in our history. All were seen, rightly or wrongly, as distinguished career politicians, both within their respective parties and by the American people. None of them, except maybe Kerry, had a real snowball's chance in Hell of winning, but they got to run. They got their glory day in the spotlight towards the end of their careers. It was a show, that's all; a show put on for us suckers and rubes.It's up to us to throw a monkey wrench into those plans, if we want any real hope and change, if we want any real chance of staving off a murderous Nazi-Republican coalition. Right now, it looks like the Democratic Party apparatus has a whole lot of behind the scenes Debbie Wasserman Shultz clones in our way, all intent on keeping their game safe and preserved, unscathed and on course, with plenty of money and "power" to go around for all of the members of the club; while they obsequiously service their masters and kiss their rings. Unfortunately, suckers and rubes tend to remain suckers and rubes. They don't even get tired of it.