Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWe are at war, a cyberwar with Russia. And Trump and McConnell are still doing nothing about this war; continuing their coverup, all in hopes of even more and deeper Russian infiltration of our electoral process in 2020. The Democrats? Mr. Nicey-Nice President Obama went to McConnell with all the evidence that was needed back in 2016 when he should have given an address to the nation as soon as McConnell made his true colors known. Obama might as well have gone and given the evidence to the Russian embassy.The rest of the Democrats, 3 years later? They continue to play nice when, if they weren't so willing to abdicate their constitutional duties, they should be screaming what Joe Kennedy, as close to a lone voice of patriotism as possible, said from the rooftops. They should be screaming bloody murder on our behalf but our behalf as a nation means nothing to them compared to their wanting to keep their cushy dialing for dollars jobs. The media? They gave no notice to the truth that Joe Kennedy spoke whatsoever. The horror of the truth just doesn't fit their corporatista agenda. For them, it's all about the advertising revenue from Big Pharma, Big Oil, trash fast food (the kind their boy Trump loves), and car companies. Like Washington, the media companies are bought and sold. Trump himself is brzenly and, of course, obnoxiously, flaunting his dictator agenda in our faces, as he blatantly showed when he recently boasted, like the banana republic dictator he now is, that he spoke with his master Vladimir Putin the other day and didn't even bring the subject up. That was deliberate tacit encouragement for Putin to go further, of course. No code necessary.Imagine if we had given no response to Japan's attack on us at Pearl Harbor. Los Angeles and San Francisco would have been next. That's the kind of thing that's coming, and we owe it all to a bunch of suit-wearing do-nothing goons in Washington.We used to prosecute, convict and hang traitors.