Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhat we saw from William Barr, Trump's Defense Attorney (masquerading as the Attorney General Of The United States) a few days ago, was a continuation of the statements in tonight's meme. According to William Barr and Donald Trump, obstruction of justice is legal and treasonous activity is legal and those who fight against such things are criminals engaged in a coup. In Barr's sick mind, whatever his dictator boss of bosses does is legal. As Nixon once said, "If the president does it, it's not illegal." That's how it works in the Republican mind. It's a creed. In the Republican mind, the people in power are above the law and the constitution is just a doormat at the door to totalitarianism. We really can now expect Trump to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. He will then add a line to the presidential seal that says "I Am The Law."This will continue of course. It will even worsen because there aren't enough people in Washington with the courage to do the right thing and stop it. Case in point: Last week, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler played his role of accomplice and responded to Barr's fascist antics and contempt of the American people by sending him a nice, civil letter reiterating his request for the full, un-redacted Mueller Report. Barr even refused to show up to be questioned by the Judiciary Committee. The letter was merely the stuff of dog and pony shows. Maybe by the time you read this Barr will be cited with contempt but that will be toothless because it won't alter the bottom line.Meanwhile, Barr has a rap sheet record of lying to Congress and saying that he and the president can summarily end all investigations of the president. The proper action for Nadler would have been to immediately cite Barr for Contempt of Congress and send the Sergeant. of Arms with several armed officers into the so-called Justice Department to drag Barr's reeking obese ass onto the floor of the House for questioning like any other sociopathic mobster. As I've said many times, we need a new Nuremberg. That's what this country used to do with Nazis. Instead, the deliberately ineffectual Nadler has only invited more of the same disregard, but that's the Washington game, isn't it? Act like you're doing something without really doing anything. Pelosi's and McConnell's minions don't want to do anything that might disrupt their own gravy train of grift and graft.