Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHappy TAX DAY everybody! Or, if you like, how about Happy Oligarch Creation Day!Today is a religious holiday for supporters of the Greed Over People Trump/Ryan Tax Scam of 2017. It's a day where the stinking rich celebrate the biggest wealth redistribution of all time, a very efficient upward wealth redistribution right of of your pockets to theirs. Paul Ryan felt so comfy, smug, and happy about the cash his Tax Scam would bring him that he knew he could quit his job. This soak the poor greed fest didn't start with Trump and Ryan, though. They just put their feet down on the accelerator and floored it. That red line in the graph below that indicates what Ronnie Raygun wrought is going straight up by now; completely vertical. Reagan is smiling up from his hovel in Hell, saying "That's my boys!" Even before the Tax Scam, the richest 1% at the top had more wealth than the 99% at the bottom but that wasn't enough. They wanted it to be 99.9%. When they get it all, they'll start tearing at each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. Still waitin' for the trickle down? It ain't comin'. Be careful though. If you point that out, republican politicians and their media goons at FOX will accuse you of "class warfare" or worse. I've said for decades now that it's all about creating a pre-Magna Carta society of nothing but Lords and Serfs.As you file your taxes, always remember, as tonight's meme illustrates: Socialism for you is bad, but for those who rammed the Trump/Ryan Tax Scam down our throats, socialism is fine and dandy. Handouts for the rich aren't socialism but handouts for the rest of us are. The more welfare for the rich the merrier and Trump is the biggest, fattest Welfare Queen of all. Oh, and fuck you, too, Jamie Dimon.