Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSo... Trump, his capos like Betsy DeVos, and the rest of his Republican Party, just had to ram through their Tax Scam to enrich themselves and their biggest donors. But, obviously that wasn't the only reason. People like Trump, Ryan, DeVos, McConnell and the rest of them worship their own god; a god of sociopathy and cruelty, a god that goes way beyond any old testament gods.It's long been clear that Trump has dedicated his life to hurting others as much as he possibly can. Either his parents ruined him or he came out of his mother's womb that way. It's not just that the Trump crew want to take away all federal funding for the Special Olympics. It's not just the relatively small amount of cash ($18 million) that they want to take away from the Special Olympics: It's The Cruelty Stupid!" And you can see all of Trump's supporters cheer that cruelty whether at his rallies or on his GOP TV station. Yes, Trump's new budget aims to also cut Medicare and Social Security. Trump and his Consigliere/AG William Barr are now looking to deal a total death blow to Obamacare and those whose lives could be saved by Obamacare. But, $18 million? To Republicans, no amount is too small if it can spread some human misery throughout our country. Trump and his followers are the brats in schoolyards who relished recess just for the opportunity to beat up a disabled kid. $18 million? Most of Trump's inner circle and crime family got much more than that in Tax Scam tax breaks and they are laughing all the way to their banks.