Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPresident Trump's blatant encouragement of white supremacists is working. They are increasingly emboldened, They even have prime time FOX "News" goons like Tucker Carlson pushing their sicko agenda, catapulting the propaganda, which, of course, Trump regularly relays to his Republican followers via twitter.Knowing what we know about Trump and his lifetime of openly demonstrated bigotry, there can be no reasonable doubt that his biggest disappointment last week was that the New Zealand shooter didn't live here in America. Trump is all about manifesting hate and mayhem. When asked to comment on the Mosque attack which left 50 dead, he mouthed some words about it being horrible and quickly reverted to uttering words and phrases that could have come from the Daily Stormer or any other Nazi website. The way he spoke, the words he emphasized, gave a clear indication that he was more comfortable using the language of white supremacists than saying the event was a horror. The shooter had already received the Trump message loudly and clearly. Like any good Nazi, he already knew he had a compadre in the White House before he pulled the trigger.Trump's current Chief of Staff Mike Mulvaney facetiously claimed, on FOX, of course, that he doesn't know why people keep calling his boss a white nationalist or white supremacist even though he's been so open about it. I guess it can be zero surprise that Mulvaney is no different than his predecessor Gen. John Kelly, Stephen Miller or any of the rest of the Trump White House Grand Wizards.Meanwhile, half of Congress sleeps, half of Congress nods its collective head in approval, and the public does next to nothing to push them into action. As I've pointed out before, FDR used to say that it's up to the public to make politicians act the way they want. Apparently, the voters are happy with the status quo, happy to let fascist corporate boards and CEOs lead them by the nose to their doom and the doom of the U.S.A. It can happen here and it is. Goebbels is laughing.