Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Trump sees things. No, he's not a visionary, at least not in a positive, pro-humanity sense, but, he sees things. He sees big crowds at at his rallies that simply aren't there. Bigly crowds. Tremendous crowds. He doesn't see all those empty seats or all that empty space where people aren't standing. His weak mind won't allow for that, and neither will his cult. That's why they don't show wide-frame audience shots at his Chumps For Trump events. It was bad enough that he had Sean Spicer lying for him about the numbers in attendance at his inauguration, but, now he imagines himself holding rallies and parades to equal those of his idol Hitler at Nuremberg.Someday, if he survives his cancerous presidency, he'll be talking to a crowd of Kellyanne Conway and 5 other loser freaks from a balcony at Mar-a-lago that's overgrown with weeds and vines because he can't get any "illegals" to work there anymore, but, afterward, he'll have some out of work hooker of porn star issuing press releases that claim a 100,000 people filled the swampy courtyard in front of the hotel. He'll scream and yell at her all day. He'll scream and yell at her so much that his wigs will come off and fall to the floor. He'll pelt her with empty cans of Diet Coke, and she'll take it because she knows that, at least, he'll always feed her with cold Big Macs and soggy fries and it's the best she can hope for. And, somewhere, deep in her mind, she will know that, to him, whether he realizes it or not, she is a stand-in for what's left of America.