Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI'm sure Donnie Sleazeball got a valentine from Mikey Pence earlier this week. Obviously he did. Just look at that adoring look Pence is giving his bossman. Of course, if Pence didn't give Trump a valentine and express total panting devotion, we might never see Pence again.But this Elvis thing; what's with that? Do "people" really think Trump looks like Elvis? To me, Trump looks nothing like Elvis, but maybe to Pence he does. Pence and Trump are both so deranged and mentally damaged that anything's possible. And, I'm guessing Pence really goes for the later, fat, drugged-out Elvis, the "chubby" Elvis; the Elvis who died on his toilet and also had a fetish for gold. All that's OK with me, if that's what you're into, but imagine if Elvis could have had a twitter account. He could have died tweeting on the toilet. Your move, Donnie.