Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRepublican Hypocrisy and Evil 101: Using a cancer survivor, especially a child, as a cheap SOTU applause prop is extra evil of all of those Republicans who applauded young Grace on Tuesday night. What republicans did just a few days after they and their beloved party leader interrupted the chemo treatments of untold numbers of Americans with their heinous government shutdown is about as evil as humans get. Yet, they smile and shrug it off. Virtually no one calls them out on it, so it's up to the meme creators when those who have the power to say something and do something abdicate their responsibilities. They just don't ignore their responsibilities, they sadistically dedicate themselves to making things worse for those they condescendingly call ordinary Americans. That's your State Of The Union.Meanwhile, the Republican Party continues to promote its agenda of poisoning the air and water this child will be breathing, drinking, and swimming in for the rest of her life. Pro-life party? What pro-life party?