Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRepublicans are so freaked out about having some in-your-face women taking positions in the House Of Representatives. Women being assertive, loud and proud! Primitive, knuckle-dragging cavemen that they are, Republicans just can't handle it. They think the world has gone insane. And, it's not just that so many of the new representatives are women, it's all that ethnicity and more. Dear Republicans, you can't handle it? Tough shit. How about you just keel over and die! That goes for some of you old fart establishment status quo Democrats, too.You are living fossils. Do the country and the world a favor. Get out! Leave your laundry bags of cash at the door.Suck it up Republicans! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dances? Really? Yes, Republicans, women are known to dance, right out in public! You worry about Ocasio-Ortez dancing in high school and you don't worry about whatever Brett Kavanaugh did in high school? Really? Morons!Now about Rashida Tlaib, the subject of tonight's meme. That's Representative Rashida Tlaib to you, bozos! Whatsamatter? Her name scare you too? Man, you guys are really too much. Get out and look at the world. You'll pee your pants and get the president all excited. The VP, too. Oh, her language bothers you? That's rich. Chill out. It was only locker room talk! Fuckheads!