Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah#4 in the series: The Loser President.I've been thinking of the second verse of Simon & Garfunkel's Fakin' It lately. Having seen so many complete bozos in suits in my years in the corporate world, the song often came to mind. I couldn't see them walking through the corridors without imagining them singing the song to themselves. Of course, they never actually were. Their egos and insecurities overwhelmed their chances of attaining or even wanting any true self-awareness.The song as a whole isn't a perfect match for Trump but it's very, very close. It's the second verse that really brings the song home, no matter who is singing it, and it's the second verse (below) that just seems to apply these days.

I'm such a dubious soul,And a walk in the gardenWears me down.Tangled in the fallen vines,Pickin' up the punch lines,I've just been fakin' it,Not really makin' it.