Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahEvery time we have a mass shooting in this country, we can count on one thing and one thing only from Washington: Thoughts and prayers from douchebags in suits. $enate Majority Leader McConnell, like the rest of his party, says it's premature to discuss even a modification of gun laws that enable crazies to stock up on ever-increasing firepower. Maybe that's because 59 dead and 500 injured is a small number compared to the numbers of Americans that McConnell and his fellow homicidal psychos like Trump, Ryan, and their sicko troops would, in their wildest fantasies, like to kill with their poisonous environmental policies and taking healthcare away from people. Mike Pence and his fake wife offered thoughts and prayers to the families of the Las Vegas victims, ignoring, of course, the tens of millions that he has eagerly collected from the NRA in recent years. 90+ people die from gun violence in America every damn day. How many is too many for the douchebags in suits?"Now's not the right time" say the douchebags in suits. They sing it repetitively like the Bizarro World lunatic asylum Greek chorus that they are. When is the right time? When some crazy asshole politician has a member of their own family die in a horrific hail of bullets? Don't count on it. These lowlifes are incapable of empathy for anyone, most likely, even their own staffs or relatives. Earlier this year, a nut even shot and severely wounded Hou$e Majority Whip Steve Scalise. Did that set off any alarms? Did that wake them up? Did they even give a damn that their own colleague nearly died? No way, not when the cash flows more and more all the time! These douchebags in suits have shown, for a long time now, what they are all about. As long as they can take bags and bags of money from the NRA, what modicum of feelings and emotions they might have can be bought.Common sense solutions? The good sense of the douchebags in suits was never for sale because they never had any to begin with. What is congress looking into now when it comes to guns? News flash: They are "looking at" removing regulations on the purchase of silencers. Presumably, that is so crazies can kill more people quietly. Imagine how many more people would have died in Las Vegas if that crowd took longer to recognize what was going on because they couldn't hear the gunfire coming from the Mandalay Bay Hotel.It didn't take long for a former Republican candidate for president, Pat Robertson, to declare that Las Vegas happened because of "disrespect for Trump and the national anthem". Right, blame the black dude. Typical Republican trump card. Blame it all on black athletes who kneel in protest of racial inequality and bad cops; cops who also senselessly kill. And, you know, Trump's favorite journalist, fellow Republican Alex Jones, will soon be saying the killer was really Hillary Clinton or the whole thing was a hoax, so, why do anything?Yes, it's time to do something. It has been for a long time. But, none of this will change. The Republican Party controls the White Hou$e, The $enate, The Hou$e, and the $upreme Court. They are the majority of those who want to keep the status quo, no matter how many innocent Americans and visitors die. In the 1950s, Americans worried that, one day, subversive communists would take over and destroy America from within. Instead it was the NRA, a corrupt, morally bankrupt, mass-death enabling (at the least) organization that answers only to weapons manufacturers, who are led, of course, by fat cat, limo-riding, cigar-chomping, pussy-grabbing, openly insane douchebags in suits.