Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahPromises Made. Promises Broken. Promises never intended to be kept.Putin rubs his hands in glee and pats the Manchurian President on the head. The Putin/Trump war on America and sellout of Americans continues. Accomplices in Congress encourage the treachery and urge it on, some with blatant efforts, some by doing nothing. All the while, Trump's supporters beg for more as they can't admit to themselves how viciously and ruthlessly they have been conned. "Hey, at least he brought back raw, rampant racism and stands up for misogyny!"Some Trump voters even get to have the factory where they work close just in time for Christmas. Nice touch, Mr. Trump. Normal people can see your smirk and your shrug from ten thousand miles away. "But, hey, I got this nice red hat!" He'll sell you another one, too, suckers.