Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI have a dream. I have a dream that one day our current president will by judged, not by the orange hue of his skin but by the content of his hideously bad character.Note to self: Dream on, Noah.Consider this, however: Any idea of an actual, real impeachment of Donald J. Trump is an idea that, in a practical framework, exists in the far more slowly moving time continuum of Washington, DC, not in the reality that normal Americans live in outside the beltway. In fact, recent polls of Americans who aren't members of Congress and what is called the Washington intelligentsia show that half of our country is in favor of impeachment. The breakdown of what the polls indicate is as follows: 70 percent of Democrats, 49 percent of Independents, and 15 percent of Republicans favor impeachment. As it is with any election, that 49 percent of Independents is the most revealing and the most crucial segment of the populace at this early stage. I say early stage because, although people who share my sense of patriotism and informed sense of justice under our legal system tend to see the need for the impeachment remedy to an unfit and out of control president, most of the public hasn't been, for whatever reasons (most probably to do with just trying to get on with their everyday lives and struggles), paying attention and picked up on the details and gravity of the situation this country is in. American Democracy is teetering on the edge. Sure, it has been for ages, but that is always the case with democracies. The biggest threats to all democracies come along when autocratic minded leaders gain power; autocratic leaders such as Trump. Our founding fathers had just enough foresight to provide the impeachment solution.We are at a point where 50 percent of the country (again, those outside of the know-nothing Washington, DC bubble) favor impeachment. That's 50 percent already. 50 percent before whatever we find out from the Mueller Investigation, if, and that's a big if, any of the pertinent findings are revealed to us. More than likely, an attempt to seal off the most horrible details will be made and the worst of the worst will be hidden, but, things leak out now more than ever, and, if they don't... Well, let's just say nature abhors a vacuum and a public that likes to speculate is capable of coming up with things that will be equally horrific or worse. So, a word the the intelligentsia: Best to give us the whole truth or nothing but the truth, or so help us all. Either way, the number of Americans favoring impeachment is fated to grow, and grow, and grow, regardless of what it is based on. Remember, there was a time, before the existence of Nixon's taping system was revealed, that the majority of Americans both inside and outside of the beltway did not see the need or even the remote possibility that Nixon would have an early exit.And so I have my dream, and so, dear Democratic Party leadership, enough of your treasonous impeachment is off the table bullshit. Already, the morning after our elections, Democratic Party luminaries, lead by Nancy Pelosi are saying that they, in Rep. Jim Clyburn's words, "not going down that rabbit hole." Democrats are already saying there's other work to do. Well, yes, there is. Like they are saying, there are infrastructure and healthcare issues that need to be addressed. That's true, but if these people can't walk and chew gum at the same time, they should not be there. Anything less than impeachment, conviction (even by a Republican majority Senate), and imprisonment is beyond the pale unacceptable. That means imprisonment in a gulag, not some tennis camp like Nixon's assholes got. Besides, wouldn't a gulag be very appropriate? A real gulag, in Siberia. In Russia. Whatever John Gotti got is good enough for Donald Trump. Gotti even had to take his showers in a big wheeled cage. Man, does that cage within a cage seem appropriate for Trump and his crew.I expect nothing out of the kind of people we have in Washington. They are so superficial or so devious that they think they deserve our respect just because they put on a suit, wear a tie, and have a title. I've always pointed out that Washington takes care of its own. That's why my dream is only a dream.Yeah, I dream big. But, what I just told you of my dreams only scratches the surface. What I just told you is my version of a just compromise. It's me meeting the sewer that is Washington half way. Each of us has their own concepts of what equals true justice.