Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI've lived in New York City for 39 years so I've gotten to see the Statue Of Liberty innumerable times. She's an elderly woman and frequently in need of repairs. She's a metaphor in that sense. But, the important thing is: She gets those repairs, imperfect though they may be. Most of us, in fact, gladly pay for those repairs. Sometimes, the repairs are only of the stop gap variety. Sometimes they are extensive and deep. Consider today, Election Day, a day for those repairs.There are however many in our country who would prefer to preserve other statues; statues that stand for something quite the opposite of the Statue Of Liberty. They'll tell you it's their birthright. They'll tell you it's their heritage, even though (or especially) when that heritage that they so cherish includes hanging black people from trees. They make no bones about protecting that heritage, especially when protecting that heritage means depriving people of their constitutional right to vote if not their right to breathe. The Republican Party and their severely mentally ill leader have thrown their lot in with those who embrace that heritage. They even call them very fine people, even as they do their bidding and run over people in the streets, shoot up synagogues, shoot up and burn down African-American churches, and mail pipe bombs to democrats. The party that once ran against terrorism now runs with terrorism. Some of them deny that they do, while they smirk at us, and cross their fingers behind their backs.The only legal power we have to rid ourselves of such people; the only legal power we have to rid ourselves of the Steve Kings, Duncan Hunters, Dave Brats, and Scott Walkers of our government is to vote them out. The same is true of those who don't even consider our government to be their government or our country to be their country: people like Devin Nunes and Dana Rhohrabacher. That's what election days are for. Vote with a vengeance. Which torch do you choose?