Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhat's in a name? I've often found the origins of surnames interesting. They often have something to do with a long, long ago relative's occupation, even the family business or the city the family came from. For instance, in England, Coopers were barrel makers and Arrowsmiths made arrows. In Italy, people named DiNapoli came from Naples, etc. So, it was with some amusement the other day when I came upon tonight's meme. My amusement is even doubled by the fact that the surname of Trump isn't even the Trump family's real name. It's the one they chose! As we know, the Trump Crime Family's real surname is Drumpf. It was reportedly changed to Trump by Señor Trumpanzee's grandfather Friederick Trump who first came to America in the 19th century. It is said that he felt Trump sounded less obviously German and wanted to make the change at a time when German immigrants were unpopular and looked down upon. Oh! The Irony!The name Drumpf apparently has no particular meaning. The variant name Trumpf, however, does. It is German for trump card. In card games, a trump card is a resource, thing of value played as a last second trick used to gain a surprise advantage; as in Russia is Trump's trump card, perhaps?But what of the name that the Trump family actually goes by? Trump Tower does have a better ring to it than Drumpf Tower, although, Drumpf Dungeon would be nice. Well, it turns out, as tonight's meme indicates, when one drops the f from Trumpf and looks at the variants, one now sees something that has been hiding in plain sight for decades and decades. Although one of the uses of the word trump does relate to Trumpf or trump card, ie. dependable or triumph, trump and its variants also have a completely apt current meaning. It means useless, nonsense, or deceitful; again, trickery (sort of like doing a deal with a contractor and not paying the contractor, or, promising other things you have no intention of delivering). The current negative meaning appears to be traceable to the French word tromper which means to deceive. That in turn probably comes from a longstanding view of the Germans held by the French. There is even an old English meaning that is also quite apt. In England, since the 16th century the word trump has meant breaking wind. The Trumps unwittingly chose a name that relates to what they actually are. Ladies and Gentlemen, President Donald J. Fart.Prediction: Over time, words and names gather up additional meanings, as even tonight's meme and this post indicate; even changing meanings altogether. Often these meanings stem from historical events or traits associated with the word or name. When one realizes that, it's not hard to imagine what the name and word Trump might mean in the near future. Pendejo? Rancid? Sleazy Scumbag? Moron (as used by some of Trump's own staff)? Nazi? Dirtbag? Buffoonish asshole? The negative possibilities are endless. I can even see Trump become synonymous with an awful and fatal mental disease; as in Sorry, you have Trump Syndrome. How bad will the meaning of the future of the Trump name be? Will it even exist or will it be disappeared by those who bear it and be just left to historical mentions. Ever look up the name Hitler in your phone book? It's not there.