Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSubmitted for your disapproval, a graphic, sourced from the Washington Post, and a congressional head count, that shows just how representative our so-called representative democracy is not. Not that any of this is at all shocking; the original idea of the Founding Fathers called for only landed white men and no women at all having voting rights, but that was a very different reality of over 200 long years ago, as much as some would like to go back to it. The thing is, though, that while we acknowledge the reality is now somewhat different, we still haven't caught up to today's reality. We're stuck in the 1930s somewhere. Perhaps with all of the women running for election on November 6th, at least one of these little pie charts will improve. Any changes in these charts are up to us, and up to those who choose to run. Then, of course, there is the issue of worthiness.And, just because I am a very snarky guy, I'd like to mention that I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of additional little pies as listed below:1. Let's see the percentage of sociopaths in congress vs. the obviously smaller percentage of sociopaths in the general populace.2. How about one that shows the percentage of people in Congress who are the first person in their family to walk on two legs vs. the percentage in the general populace.Also, I would like to see both IQ tests and a battery of psychological tests administered to anyone who wants to run for public office at any level from local school board on up. Yeah, we might end up with no school boards at all but how much of a difference would that make, especially in loon states like Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kansas, Alabama, South Carolina, Indiana...? Don't we have a right to know? This would help weed out the Steve Kings, Paul Ryans, and Donald Trumps. Just imagine, for instance, all of the empty podiums we would have had at the 2016 Republican Primary debates. We could have gone from 17 down to 2 in no time. I'm just being nice when I say 2, of course.Pie charts of IQ breakdowns would be great. Sure the intelligence of the general public is always in question in our Idiocracy, but any honest person has to see the evidence that the intelligence of the average member of Congress is pretty substandard compared to the rest of America, or is it? The IQ pie chart is one pie chart idea that might end up 50-50. I mean, someone voted for these wackos. It could be even worse, you know. Just look at the fact that anyone in the voting public with an IQ over 100 could see Trump is completely bonkers within 2 minutes of watching him speak on any topic. So, how about yet another pie chart- one that shows the percentage of voters with 100+ IQs who voted for Trump anyway, all because didn't care about intelligence at all and just wanted a psychopath in the White House! Call up another pie chart! Oh and still another one that shows inbreeding. That would be good to know, too. No more Louie Gohmerts!