Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe tweet that I'm using for tonight's meme is just a small list from the Orange Fascist's "Little Orange Mushroom Pop Up Book Of Lies" but it is a representative list from his disturbed mind.But wait! There's more! Of course, there is. You can even go to the Washington Post for a list of Trump lies that is approaching the size of War And Peace itself. Until then, content yourselves with these few choice additions:

• I'll have Mexico pay for the wall!• Do I look like I have to pay for sex?• Better, cheaper healthcare, including coverage for pre-existing conditions!• I have a very big brain!• I know more than the generals about ISIS.• No collusion! No collusion!• I'm a great negotiator!• I graduated at the top of my class! I had the best grades!• Ted Cruz's father killed JFK!• I'll solve crime in Chicago in 2 weeks!• I'll definitely show my tax returns if I'm elected!• I'm a very stable genius!• I'm honest.
