Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWe all now how much Trump loves autocrats around the world. He loves his dream that he could be "President For Life." He loves the fact that those murderous dictators he envies can just do away with their perceived enemies. So, it can be no surprise whatsoever that we now have Trump and his Saudi King pal, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saudi, going off and cooking up an absurd excuse about how Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi died. If you could listen to their phone calls, you just know it would sound exactly like two nine-year-old boys trying to explain how a window got broken:

You see, there was this ball and, a, Donnie and I were playing with the dog and the ball, and, well, er, a, somehow the dog tossed the ball through the window and...

Yep. It's "The Dog Ate My Homework" excuse, variation 5000. It's all a big accident. Blame the dog. "Clumsy dog! Bad dog!" Ya gotta understand, blah, blah.Trump is the excuse master and apologist for criminals he likes. Has been all of his life, especially when he is, or wants to b, in business with them to enrich himself. There are buildings and hotels and gold courses to be built, like

I just spoke with the king of Saudi Arabia who denies any knowledge of what took place with regard to, as he said, his Saudi Arabian citizen... It sounded to me that maybe these could have been rogue killers.

Or, how about a planned Trump Tower in Moscow? What's a tiny thing like hacking our elections, compare to the money and ego gratification? You wouldn't want to let that slow the growth of the Trump family bank accounts, reveal how totally corrupt and owned a president is, or turn up any incidents of money laundering, would you? Here's Trumpanzee during the 2016 campaign:

Russian, Russia, Russia, but I don't, maybe it was, but I, It could Russia but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It could also be someone sitting on their bed that ways 400 pounds.

Would those be 400 pound rogue killers, Mr. President? 15 400 pound professional killers flying to Turkey, including an autopsy specialist and a guy with a bone saw? That's quite an accident! I can see a whole line of republican jokes coming about how many arabs does it take to dismember a member of the press, aka "enemies of the state" as FOX "News" would say.

Hey, maybe the journalist got attacked by a magic carpet that rolled him up and flew out a back window of the consulate. I hear that can happen, you know. They have those carpets over there. Magic Carpets! They're hard to control, though.I'd love to get one for the oval office. That would be a tremendous thing.

OK. I made that last one up, but, admit it, it makes as much sense as "rogue killers" and "It was an accident" does. Makes just as much sense as that friend of the Crown Prince walking into the consulate with his trusty bone saw. I know I always carry one around, don't you? Maybe Trumpanzee can look deep into King Salman's eyes and see his soul like Dubya did with Putin.Trump hates journalists so this whole thing is a plus to him. He probably even congratulated the Saudi King and, given his past approaches to high crimes, might have given King Salman the "Rogue Killers" idea. That just fits. Period. The fact that the victim worked for the Washington Post is just a plus in Trump's flabby white-ringed eyes. It's all "I don't really care, do you?" Well, yeah I do.This is getting real interesting. There's even the relationship between the King's son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. Crown Prince already brags that Kushner lives in his pocket, and who could doubt him?Context is everything.